SG J-Nels LY Clootie 3*M VEVE89
2019 Elite Doe
DOB: 5-16-12 Moonspotted
Rosasharn BB Tom Bombadil *B
Sire: GCH Chenango-Hills Lysander +*B
GCH Chenango-Hills Bouncy Trixie 6*D 5*M
Caesar's Villa LV Eric *S
Dam: MCH/GCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE90
CH J-Nels BB Dimples 1*M VVEV88
Livin My Dream SB Hawk Eye is ALPHA s1 CASEIN (son)
Clootie 2019 LA score VEVE 88

Clootie's sister, Samosa, was a spotlight sale doe and she sold for $3200!!! Clootie's brother, J-Nels LY Siu Mai is a 2013 ADGA Spotlight sale buck! Click here to see him.

Left photo: 6 hours fill raising twins, taken at Monroe 2015. Left Middle: Clootie's 4th freshening udder 2017 on milk test day at 12 hours full, milking 6.2#. Right 2 photos: Taken July 27th, 2017. She hasn't had to feed 5 kids now.